student representation.

cbs students works towards increasing the influence students have across cbs. we make sure STUDENTS are represented in critical positions, and that student feedback is taken into account.

students are represented at every level


Board of directors

The Board of Directors of CBS is the highest level of influence at CBS made up of top representatives from the Danish business community, faculty, administrative personnel, and two student representatives elected for a 2-year period. The Board decides on the university’s long-term strategy and development. It also approves the budget.

Academic council

The Academic Council advises the senior management of CBS (President, Deputy President, Deans, University Director) on all matters of academic importance. Students have three representatives elected for one year. The rest of the Council consists of academic staff, administration, and management. Most work in the Academic Council is bringing the student perspective into academic matters and CBS-wide policies that senior management is seeking feedback for.

study boards

Each programme is represented on a Study Board. The Study Board has an equal representation of academic staff and student representatives (elected for one year). Together, they directly influence the study programmes by planning, developing, and optimizing teaching methods, evaluations, and the curriculum of the programmes. Other responsibilities involve approving credit transfers, implementing feedback from course evaluations, and administrating the budget of the programme.